Recipes, book reviews, monthly favorites, and more! Just your typical lifestyle blog :)

Saturday, August 8, 2015


I knew throwing out the paleo challenge idea wouldn't be too popular if I didn't provide you with a way to ease into it. Throwing away your pasta, ice cream, and oreos isn't going to be easy, but having a step by step plan for your first seven days (the hardest part) will help a lot. If your excuse before was: "I don't want to plan out meals!" you're stuck now.

If you're beginning the 30 day paleo challenge I highly recommend following my carefully laid out plan for your fist seven days. After that, you will hopefully have a feel for what you should and should not be putting into your body. If you STILL don't have the hang of things after these seven days, you can always repeat this for one more week or until you get the swing of things.

Your Grocery List:
(Overshoot slightly on each grocery item just in case I accidentally left something out. I double-checked, but I'm human, and humans make mistakes. I'm sorry in advance if I did screw up)

(Also: most things below are listed in the measurements one would use in a recipe, not in packaging sizes. Do your best to eyeball confusing amounts when purchasing your groceries. Nobody is perfect.)


  • 14 eggs (buy 1 and 1/4 dozen if possible. if not, buy 1 and 1/2)
Meat and fish:
  • 14 pieces turkey sausage (check the ingredients list. if there are ANY words you can't pronounce, or obvious chemicals/preservatives/unnecessary seasonings you CANNOT consume it. try again.)
  • 2 frozen tuna steaks
  • 1 single serving frozen salmon
  • 3 skinless boneless frozen chicken breasts
  • 2 pork chops
  • 1 small package hamburger meat
  • 7 medium apples
  • 3 or 4 lemons
  • 5 or 6 cups blueberries
  • 7 cups blackberries
  • 5 cups raspberries
  • 4 medium bananas
  • 1 lime
  • 1 orange
  • 42 carrot sticks (ballpark it when buying packages. always try and buy organic carrots. non-organic are soaked in chemicals for their bright orange color)
  • 4 cups raw broccoli
  • 28 4" celery sticks
  • 10 cups spinach
  • 5 cups cherry tomatoes
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 garlic bulbs
  • 2 onions
  • OPTIONAL: 2 medium gold potatoes (see day 7's lunch for "optional" explanation. if you choose not to consume the potatoes, you will need 3 cups chicken or vegetable stock instead)
  • 12 cups frozen broccoli (4 bags of 4 cups each) 
  • 4 cups frozen mango chunks (if you don't like mangoes, you can sub with frozen sliced peaches)
  • 1 cup roasted (and unsalted) almonds


DAY 1:

Wake up: Drink 8oz water right away! I do this before my feet even hit the floor. It's a nice way to gradually wake yourself up, and get ready for the day.

Tiny workout: 20 calf raises. This will get your blood pumping! I do this while I brush my teeth.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of turkey sausage, 1 medium apple, 6 carrot sticks

Drink: 16oz water

Lunch: 1 tuna steak (thaw it, squeeze lemon juice on it, salt it lightly, and bake it in the oven), 2 cups steamed broccoli (the only NON frozen broccoli you will be consuming this week is day 7's lunch, so be prepared to make a lot of steamed broccoli), 1 cup blueberries

Drink: 16oz water

Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 4 4" celery sticks

Dinner: 1 chicken breast grilled or cooked in no oils/butter, 2 cups spinach, 1 cup cherry tomatoes (eat it like a salad! If you need a dressing add a small drizzle of olive oil, but keep it SMALL). 1 cup raspberries, and 1 medium banana

Drink: 8oz water

WORKOUT OF THE DAY: Abs and cardio
It's tough but you can do it! I have faith in you!

Before bed: Drink 1 glass of warm water with lemon. This is a colon cleanser!

Congrats! You survived day one!

Now onto...


DAY 2:

Wake up: Drink 8oz water right away! I do this before my feet even hit the floor. It's a nice way to gradually wake yourself up, and get ready for the day.

Tiny workout: 20 calf raises. This will get your blood pumping! I do this while I brush my teeth.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of turkey sausage, 1 medium apple, 6 carrot sticks

Drink: 16oz water -this is flushing your system!

Lunch: Chicken spinach avocado salad (getting used to eating weird things yet?). Grill up 1 frozen chicken breast, season with lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. Cube, and toss with 2 cups spinach, 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, and 1/2 mashed avocado seasoned lightly with lime juice.

Drink: 16oz water

Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 4 4" celery sticks

Dinner: 1 grilled pork chop (without fat), seasoned LIGHTLY with salt, pepper, and garlic, 2 cups steamed broccoli, and 1 cup blueberries

Drink: 8oz water

WORKOUT OF THE DAY: Upper body, and yoga
The upper body workout is great, but the quality of the video isn't prime so I recommend blasting some upbeat motivational workout music while you do it. The narrator is kind of monotonous, and the last thing you want is a lame workout. PUSH THROUGH!

Before bed: Drink 1 glass of warm water with lemon. This is a colon cleanser!

Congrats on surviving day 2! At this point you're probably noticing that you have to pee- A LOT. That's good. We're pushing all of the toxins out of your body. By the end of your 30 day challenge you will feel clean, healthy, and refreshed. Your body will be more toned than you expected, and you'll be sleeping better. You should start to see results at the end of day 7! If you're bloating a lot don't worry, BLOATING IS NORMAL. It will take a few weeks for your body to get used to your diet change. Do not give up.

DAY 3:

Wake up: Drink 8oz water right away! I do this before my feet even hit the floor. It's a nice way to gradually wake yourself up, and get ready for the day.

Tiny workout: 20 calf raises. This will get your blood pumping! I do this while I brush my teeth.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of turkey sausage, 1 medium apple, 6 carrot sticks

Drink: 16oz water -this is flushing your system!

Lunch: 1 tuna steak (thaw it, squeeze lemon juice on it, salt it lightly, and bake it in the oven), 2 cups steamed broccoli, 1 cup blueberries

Drink: 16oz water

Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 4 4" celery sticks

Dinner: 1 grilled or baked chicken breast, chopped, and tossed with 2 cups spinach, and 1 cup raspberries

Drink: 8oz water

WORKOUT OF THE DAY: Legs and butt
If you lack motivation in your workout today just remember that 1. you're building a better booty, and 2. gaining muscle in your legs will help you burn fat in your tummy. You're welcome. Go all out for leg day! 

Before bed: Drink 1 glass of warm water with lemon. This is a colon cleanser!

Keep going. You're doing great. There's no turning back now.


DAY 4:

Wake up: Drink 8oz water right away! I do this before my feet even hit the floor. It's a nice way to gradually wake yourself up, and get ready for the day.

Tiny workout: 20 calf raises. This will get your blood pumping! I do this while I brush my teeth.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of turkey sausage, 1 medium apple, 6 carrot sticks

Drink: 16oz water -this is flushing your system!

Lunch: Chicken spinach avocado salad (getting used to eating weird things yet?). Grill up 1 frozen chicken breast, season with lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. Cube, and toss with 2 cups spinach, 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, and 1/2 mashed avocado seasoned lightly with lime juice.

Drink: 16oz water

Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 4 4" celery sticks

Dinner: It's burger night!!! Take your packaged hamburger meat, combine it in a bowl with minced garlic and onions to taste, and roll into little sliders. Grill and eat with 2 cups of broccoli. You may add lettuce and tomato to the top of your little sliders if you need to spice them up, but you may NOT consume them with a bun, or with condiments such as ketchup, mustard, or mayo. I didn't include additional lettuce and tomato in the grocery list above because I don't want people to waste money on products they won't use, so keep that in mind when preparing your dinner.

Dessert: 2 cups frozen mango chunks! (if you eat them frozen they kinda taste like popsicles)

Drink: 8oz water

WORKOUT OF THE DAY: Abs and cardio (yes, I know, I'm sorry. power through it though.)

You should be sore from your leg workout. If you're not, then you didn't work hard enough. Be sure to push yourself EVERY SINGLE workout because eating clean OR working out won't cut it. You have to do BOTH. It takes a lot of strength, and a lot of willpower, but the results are priceless. Go back to my original paleo blog post and stare at the picture of Robin for a moment. You want her abs? That's what I thought. PUSH PUSH PUSH!

Before bed: Drink 1 glass of warm water with lemon. This is a colon cleanser!


DAY 5:

Wake up: Drink 8oz water right away! I do this before my feet even hit the floor. It's a nice way to gradually wake yourself up, and get ready for the day.

Tiny workout: 20 calf raises. This will get your blood pumping! I do this while I brush my teeth.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of turkey sausage, 1 medium apple, 6 carrot sticks

Drink: 16oz water -this is flushing your system!

Lunch: Fruit salad! Yummm. Toss 1 cup blueberries, 1 sliced banana, 1 cup raspberries, 1 cup blackberries, and 1 orange (peeled and sliced) in a bowl.

Drink: 16oz water

Snack: 1 cup roasted almonds, 4 4" celery sticks

Dinner: 1 grilled pork chop (without fat), seasoned LIGHTLY with salt, pepper, and garlic, and 2 cups steamed broccoli

Drink: 8oz water

WORKOUT OF THE DAY: Upper body, and yoga
"Mediocre isn't good enough."

Before bed: Drink 1 glass of warm water with lemon. This is a colon cleanser!


DAY 6:

Wake up: Drink 8oz water right away! I do this before my feet even hit the floor. It's a nice way to gradually wake yourself up, and get ready for the day.

Tiny workout: 20 calf raises. This will get your blood pumping! I do this while I brush my teeth.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of turkey sausage, 1 medium apple, 6 carrot sticks

Drink: 16oz water -this is flushing your system!

Lunch: 1 grilled or baked chicken breast, chopped, and tossed with 2 cups spinach, and 1 cup raspberries

Drink: 16oz water

Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 4 4" celery sticks

Dinner: Salmon (thaw it, squeeze lemon juice on it, salt it lightly, and bake it in the oven or grill it), 2 cups steamed broccoli, 1 cup blueberries, 1 banana

Drink: 8oz water

WORKOUT OF THE DAY: Legs and butt
Tone that booty!!! Work those legs!!! "PAIN is WEAKNESS leaving the body."

Before bed: Drink 1 glass of warm water with lemon. This is a colon cleanser!


DAY 7:


Wake up: Drink 8oz water right away! I do this before my feet even hit the floor. It's a nice way to gradually wake yourself up, and get ready for the day.

Tiny workout: 20 calf raises. This will get your blood pumping! I do this while I brush my teeth.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of turkey sausage, 1 medium apple, 6 carrot sticks

Drink: 16oz water -this is flushing your system!

Lunch: Cream of broccoli soup (we saved the best for last...) OKAY SO THIS RECIPE CONTAINS GOLD POTATOES. In a lot of people's book potatoes aren't paleo due to their starch content. I personally only eat sweet potatoes, and even so only in moderation. I will let you decide if you want to consume the gold potatoes or not. If you don't I have an alternate recipe

Even though the first recipe is labeled vegan and the second is labeled paleo I thought I'd list the first recipe first. Yes, it has potatoes in it, but potatoes are borderline paleo. After today you're going to be kicked out of the nest and thrown into the world of on-your-own paleo, and you need to decide for yourself where your boundaries lay. If you have no idea, I recommend researching why some paleo-eaters refuse potatoes ALWAYS, and why some are okay with an occasional potato. Giving you the potato or no potato choice will let you get a feel for what it's going to be like tomorrow when you don't have a step by step meal plan. Now is a good time to decide how strict you want to be about your paleo eating. 

Drink: 16oz water

Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 4 4" celery sticks

Dinner: 1 chicken breast grilled or cooked in no oils/butter, 2 cups spinach, 1 cup cherry tomatoes (eat it like a salad! If you need a dressing add a small drizzle of olive oil, but keep it SMALL). 1 cup raspberries, and 1 medium banana

Dessert: 2 cups frozen mango chunks! (if you eat them frozen they kinda taste like popsicles)

Drink: 8oz water

WORKOUT OF THE DAY: Abs and cardio
It's the last workout of the week so MAKE IT COUNT!

Before bed: Drink 1 glass of warm water with lemon. This is a colon cleanser!


That's it! That's one week paleo done! If you're doing the challenge you only have 3.2 weeks to go!

-This last week you drank: 56 ounces of water per day, 392 ounces total
-Your workout split was: Abs and cardio, upper body, lower body, and you used at-home-friendly workouts to accomplish your athletic goals
-You have completely detoxed your body, leaving it clean of the chemicals found in processed foods and sodas
-You have survived a week of clean, paleo eating!

Take progress pics, weigh in, and continue the challenge!

Comment with any questions or concerns.

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