Recipes, book reviews, monthly favorites, and more! Just your typical lifestyle blog :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

June Favorites

Wow long time no post! I know I completely skipped May there but I've been busy... It happens to the best of us. Well here are some of my favorite things from the lovely month of June :)

Food Favorites:

  • Frozen Fruit- Literally cannot get enough. I know that paleo is supposed to be low carb but hey this isn't processed, and it tastes like a freaking fruit Popsicle. I literally just buy bags of frozen fruit from the store (like the kind you're supposed to use for smoothies and stuff), put it in a bowl when I'm hungry, and eat it with a fork. It's perfect because it's too cold to eat fast so that controls your portion size, AND it gives you something to much on if you're always hungry (like me haha) and still trying to slim down.
  • Kale Chips- If you want the recipe comment below. Basically the same thing as carrot fries but made with kale. (Pro tip: you can also throw raw kale into your fruit smoothies. You won't taste it (unless you put in more than like two cups of the stuff...), and it will make your smoothie a gross color but HEY if you can't taste the vegetables you're drinking, AND you're drinking a vegetable... Why not? If it bugs you just buy colorful opaque smoothie cups. Try this recipe.)
  • Broccoli- Alright, if you were reading this list expecting to see something along the lines of "cake, ice cream, cookie dough, and chocolate" you've come to the wrong blog :) Maybe it's weird to some people but personally I'm really enjoying the taste of broccoli lately. I'll throw it in with just about anything I'm eating to meet my carbs goal of the day.
  • Tea- I am now a lover of tea. Never thought it would happen because the taste used to repulse me, and I'm a coffee gal ALL THE WAY, but paleo means no coffee- at least in my book. I've been using tea for all sorts of things from detoxing to helping me sleep and I'm learning to love the taste. My current favorite would have to be Twinnings Wild Berry tea.
  • Banana Ice Cream- Here we go: something desserty (finally). HOLY CRAP you guys this stuff sounds weird but tastes AMAZING I swear. I encountered it on Pinterest and this might just be my next recipe post because wowza it is a lifechanger. All you need are bananas, a food processor, and ice cream toppings so it's healthy AND easy AND delicious. If you don't like the taste of bananas you can add essential oils to make mint chocolate chip ice cream, etc. It's so good. So. Good.
  • Quest Bars- Okay so these aren't paleo. Kill me. Because I work out frequently I've run into a few roadblocks with paleo and have adapted my diet in the last month or so to include processed food and weigh ONLY when necessary and ONLY in the form of quest bars and protein powder. May the paleo gods hate me for eternity. But after doing clean, normal, 100% paleo paleo for a few months it was clear that I could bend the boundaries of my diet a little to include protein powder and these bars (no other granola bars or protein bars fit my needs) because they've helped me so much in the gym... But most importantly they. taste. fantastic. They come in dessert flavors like cookies and cream, and chocolate chip cookie dough (my two favorites at the moment), and I'm just in love. They're a bit pricey but they have 20g of protein and only 2g of sugar PER BAR. LIKE. WHAT. I'll link them here so you can die in paleo hell with me.

Cosmetic Favorites:

It's summer so I'm still wearing as little makeup as I can get away with so literally the only things I have to recommend are for washing yourself...
  • Shower Jelly- This is a LUSH product that I happened to pick up about a month ago and just not use because I couldn't figure out HOW to use it. It's a pot of jelly. I was so confused. But I figured out that if you scoop out a little bit and mash it up with your loofah it gets all bubbly and has made my skin SO SOFT. It's LUSH so it's organic and vegan and made fresh right in the store. It's also been a really handy shampoo for the days when I don't feel like torturing my hair with regular shampoo (something you should know about me is I have very dry, very curly hair, and very pale very dry skin). I enjoy the cherry-coconut scented shower jelly.
  •  CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser- Basically just what I've been using to wash my face twice a day. So far I have less acne, and no awkward dry patches so this is a success in the world of super sensitive dry skin and I thought I'd post about it in case anyone shares my fate. Nothing fancy- picked mine up from Target, but the link I have is from Ulta.

Other Favorites:
  • Black Bikinis- Don't ask why, I don't know, but swimsuits (I live in bikinis) in black are appealing to me all of a sudden so I've bought like six. I also really like anything with lots of straps, and or designs created with the straps. If you're interested I can provide pictures. 
  • Champion Leggings- I've been at the gym literally everyday this last month, so my legging purchase has increased significantly. I like the look of Lululemon a lot, but I can't afford to invest in such expensive clothing if I intend to sweat in it so I've stuck to champion. If you have suggestions as to where I can find cheap Lulu knockoffs I am always all ears :)
The songs I've listened to the most this month:

  • American Kids- Kenny Chesney
  • Wonderland- Taylor swift (no link because it's not on YouTube)
  • Girl Crush- Little Big Town
  • Fight Song- Rachel Platten (fun fact: I knew this song before it was cool mwahaha)

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